As the name suggests, spider veins are fine web of red or bluish color veins that appears across your legs and face. They are short in length but based on the severity of the problem, they can cover either large or small area of your skin. They are very much similar to varicose veins, but are smaller in size and lies very close to the skin. Known as Telangiesctasia in medical terms, spider veins are often found in the areas in and around knees, says the expert doctors of Spider Vein Clinic in Pune. Let us see the causes for the formation of spider veins and few methodologies to prevent its occurrence.

What are veins?

Prior to learning about the causes of spider veins, let us brush up our basic knowledge of the blood circulation system. Two types of blood vessels are present in our body – Arteries and Veins. While the former carries the oxygen rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body, the latter carries back the impure blood back. The leg muscle squeezes and pushes back the blood through veins and makes it flow upwards against the gravity. To prevent the back flow of blood, veins have an inbuilt system of one way valve, which efficiently regulates the blood flow back to the heart.

How spider veins form?

The real problem or formation of spider veins occurs when the pressure increases in the veins. While varicose veins are formed due to the formation of malfunctioning of the valves, doctors are still not able to pinpoint the exact reason behind the formation of spider veins. But it is very clearly known that the chances of formation of spider veins when the following risk factors are present:

  • Hereditary
  • Aging
  • People who have a profession such as teaching, nursing and security that demands standing for long time. This can be very well attributed to the fact that prolonged standing increases the pressure in the veins, especially at the legs.
  • Fair skinned people can get spider veins in the faces due to over exposure to sun

Symptoms of spider veins

As mentioned earlier, spider veins are easily identified by the patch of reddish and bluish web of veins that are easily visible.  Moreover, few patients may also have following other symptoms:

  • Mild swelling in the legs, especially around the thigh and knee area
  • Tiredness in legs
  • Heaviness in legs


Methodologies to prevent spider veins

It is not possible to prevent the development of spider veins, but the risk factors that cause it may be drastically reduced by these steps:

  • Exercising : Increase the blood circulation in the legs by exercises such as running, jogging and walking
  • Reduce leg pressure: Avoid monotonous posture of standing or sitting. It is always advisable to take short breaks from these constant postures. Also, it is essential to bring down the body weight to reduce the pressure in legs.
  • Elevate legs: Elevating your legs above your heart level for 15 minutes while relaxing is another good option that is worth trying, says, an expert spider vein doctor in Pune.
  • Apply sunscreen lotions: Fair skinned people can avoid the development of spider veins in noses and cheeks by wearing good quality sunscreen.
  • Treat Varicose: Treatment of varicose veins would considerably reduce the pressure in the legs and reduce the further formation of spider veins.

Although formation of spider veins is not a life threatening problem, it can always be treated if you are not comfortable with the cosmetic issues. With various treatment options such as sclerotherapy and laser therapy available for the treatment, it is never a problem to completely eradicate them.