About Us

Meet the Best Varicose
Veins Surgeon in Pune

Patients from various parts of the world come to KLCC for a wide range of treatments. The clinic is managed by an experienced team of doctors headed by Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon Dr. Suresh Sanghvi & Dr. Shobha Sanghvi. Experienced doctors from Mumbai are also associated with KarishmaTM Laser & Cosmetic Clinic on its Advisory & Visiting Doctors’ panel.
KarishmaTM Laser & Cosmetic Clinic is equipped with the latest ultra-modern equipment which include the Lightsheer Diode Laser, Intense Pulselight Laser, RF Ellman Laser, Smoothbeam Diode Laser, Aluma R.F Laser, Vasculight HR Laser System, Nd:Yag Laser, Contra (Italy) Diode Endovenous Laser Machine, Fractional CO2, Advance Facial Skin Analyser, Revederm Microdermabrasion Machine, Advanced Suction Machine for Fat removal (Liposuction), Radiosurgery Computerised Hair Scanner & other equipments for non-surgical skin and hair treatments. All equipment is FDA approved.