Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Everything About

Vein Insufficiency Treatment in Pune

Chronic venous insufficiency occurs when the leg veins are not working effectively, particularly the venous wall, making blood flow from the legs back to the heart difficult. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) causes blood to “pool” or collects in these veins, and this pooling is called stasis.

Symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency

Symptoms of CVI include:

Vein Insufficiency Treatment in Pune

Preparing for surgeries:

Some of the basic strategies include:

Chronic Vein Insufficiency Treatment in Pune

Treatment of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

For less than 15% of patients who are prescribed chronic vein insufficiency treatment in Pune, the options include:

Ligation and Stripping

These procedures are often performed in combination. In ligation, surgeon cuts and ties off the vein suffering from CVI. Most patients recover from the surgery within a few days and can resume their routine activities. Stripping is the removal of larger veins surgically through two small incisions. Stripping is an extensive procedure and generally requires up to 10 days for recovery. In addition, it usually causes bruising after surgery.

Microincision/ambulatory phlebectomy

These are minimally invasive procedures in which small incisions or needle punctures are made over the veins. Then, a phlebectomy hook is used to remove the diseased veins.

Vein bypass

Bypass surgery in the leg is similar to heart bypass surgery in a different location. It involves using a portion of a healthy vein transplanted from elsewhere in your body to reroute blood around the vein affected by CVI. Bypass is used to treat CVI in the upper thigh and only in the most severe cases when no other treatment is effective.

If you are looking for vein insufficiency treatment in Pune, book an appointment with Karishma Vein Clinic. We are one of a kind clinic that exclusively offers certified treatment methods for people suffering from vein complications. So have a quick chat with us to learn about the procedure.