Endovenous Laser Treatment
Karishma Vein Clinic is a renowned name in Pune for treating varicose veins using the Endovenous laser treatment in Pune (EVLT) technology. If you find any varicose vein symptoms, you must meet with Dr. Sanghvi, head surgeon at Karishma Vein Clinic, for a consultation. Dr. Sanghvi may ask you to conduct a few tests to get the right diagnosis, including the Color Doppler test. If the results are positive, you need just one step to cure the varicosity of the veins. Often, EVLT suits best in most cases.
EVLT is a mere 30-45 minute procedure performed under local anesthesia. During the EVLT procedure, the vein is accessed by inserting introducers percutaneously (through the skin). Later, the laser filament is inserted through the introducer. Once the placement of laser filament is confirmed with the help of ultrasound, saline with lidocaine solution is infiltrated surrounding the vein. Next, the laser fibre is slowly withdrawn as it emits energy that closes veins shut. You may find very slight bruising after treatment, but it is not easily visible.
When the procedure is complete, the treated leg is bandaged with a compression stocking for at least a week. Endovenous laser treatment is the best way to treat varicose veins, reducing potential post-operative infection.
- Outpatient procedure. Can resume normal activities immediately
- Quick and easy to perform
- No scarring
- Minimally invasive and less traumatic
- Excellent clinical result
- Better result than open surgery
- Reduced procedure cost

for Endovenous Laser Treatment in Pune
The veins which require treatment are identified using ultrasound. The ultrasound gel is applied to your leg, and a wand-like transducer is moved over the skin. The ultrasound transducer and sound waves are painless.
The surgical area of the leg is cleaned and injected with local anesthesia, and a laser fiber is inserted. Typically this can be inside your leg and areas along the veins.
When the leg area is numb, a small incision is made at the vein, and a very thin tube called a catheter is inserted into the vein. Then a thin laser fiber is inserted into the catheter, and laser pulses are delivered while slowly pulling the laser and the catheter back out of the vein. The laser light pulses cause the affected vein to shrink and eventually shut.
The laser fiber and catheter are removed from your leg.
The incision is bandaged in the leg. Incisions generally do not need stitches.
Is It Painful ?
When local anesthesia is injected into the skin, it feels like a pinch, minor discomfort, or pain. You might also feel some pressure on your leg during the procedure. Inform the doctor if the discomfort continues for a long time.
Preparing for Endovenous Laser Treatment in Pune
You are an important member of your healthcare team. The steps you take before your procedure can improve your comfort and outcome.
You can prepare for endovenous laser treatment in Pune by:
Answering all questions about your medical history and medications. This includes prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, herbal treatments, and vitamins. It is good to carry a current list of your medical conditions, medications, and allergies.
Acquiring detailed knowledge of the procedure and asking any questions you may have
Taking or stopping medications exactly as directed

Post Treatment
You may have soreness and inflammation after endovenous laser treatment. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications may relieve this. However, check with your doctor before using OTC pain relievers, and only take them as directed. Also, call your doctor if your pain gets worse or changes because it may be a sign of a complication.
You will probably need to wear compression stockings to stabilize your veins and help them heal after your procedure. In addition, your doctor may encourage you to walk frequently to encourage healing.
Recovery after surgery is a gradual process. Recovery time varies depending on your general health, age, and other factors. Full recovery takes a few days to a few weeks.
Risks and Complications
Usually, endovenous laser treatment does not lead to complications, but any medical procedure involves risks and potential complications. Complications may become serious in some cases. Complications can develop during the procedure or your recovery. Following risks and complications can appear in the treatment:
Inflammation of the remaining vein or at the incision
Skin burns