Any guesses on which question we frequently encounter at our varicose veins clinic in Pune? Yes, it is “How to prevent varicose veins”. And my reply was always directed towards the need to analyze the risk factors and make subtle changes in work and life style to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins. As a renowned clinic for varicose vein treatment in Pune, we have been constantly engaged in medical awareness program and trying to educate our patients and their near & dear ones on what to do and not to do for occurrence of varicose and spider veins. Through this opportunity, let us share the same with you all.

As with many other medical complications, varicose veins do not get formed overnight. Although it carries of a tag of hereditary disease, on several cases, it is an outcome of our life style and habits. As a word of caution, varicose veins should not be ignored as a cosmetic issue. It may either be an underlying cause for another ailment or lead to further complications.  Let us straight away go into stepwise preventive measures.

1)      As a first step towards prevention, know exactly what the risk factors are.  It is true that few people carry high risk factors and are more prone to develop varicose veins.

  1. Age – Aging causes your veins to lose elasticity and valves to function abnormally.
  2. Gender -Women are more prone to get affected – due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause
  3. Hereditary – A big chance of developing varicose if any of your immediate family member has them.
  4. High BMI – Obesity creates additional pressure on the veins in your legs.
  5. Immobile life style – If your work stipulates standing or sitting for a long time, it creates more pressure on the veins while pumping it back to the heart.


2)      Having analyzed the risk factors, it is time now to see the preventive measures

  1. Shed excess weight: Being obese does not help to prevent the formation of varicose veins. By lowering the body weight, the pressure is appreciably reduced on the legs.
  2. Eat healthy: Avoid processed food that has loads of added salt. Try to include as much as fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Having a high calorie low fat diet is a very good strategy that will yield good results in the long run.
  3. Exercise regularly: Be it swimming, cycling, running, aerobics, or jogging, be active, and strengthen your entire blood circulation system.
  4. Quit smoking: Various studies clearly correlate the high blood pressure caused by smoking also aids in development of varicose veins. Moreover, lower limb venous insufficiency, a situation in which blood pools in legs, is also directly related to smoking.
  5. Avoid birth control pills: When birth control pills that contain high levels of progesterone and estrogen are used for long terms, the risk factors associated with varicose formation drastically increases.
  6. Reduce outing in sun: Excessive exposure to sun increases the risk factors for people with fair complexion.
  7. Improve Sitting posture: It is always advisable to sit erect as good posture improves blood circulation
  8. Avoid prolonged standing: It is never advisable to stand for prolonged period as it increases the venous pressure. In longer runs, blood vessel gets weakened by this elevated pressure and worsens the situation.
  9. Elevated legs: Elevating your legs while relaxing is one of the proven methods to prevent the formation of varicose veins. The legs should be raised above the heart level for 15 minutes and preferably for 3-4 times a day. This simple relaxation pose improves the blood circulation and great reduces the pressure.
  10. Shun tight fit clothes: Tight fit clothes and high heeled shoes never help your cause for avoiding varicose veins. Wearing normal or loose fit dress, as seems appropriate to the occasion, is advisable.

Just by knowing how much risk factor you are associated with and adopting appropriate measures listed above, it is very much possible to prevent varicose veins.